More Trust

More trust. This is a hard won place to drag yourself through. Even with a happy childhood - outside forces can bend your trust - over time. Who we are is resonant. The littlest thing can happen to one person - life long wound. Another individual has the resilient make up that allows things to fall way as they walk along. Maybe we have some of both. Blind trust - positivity and optimism over the top - is not where I sit. I am a questioner. I am mutable around trust. I can forgive. The ragged scar might be tucked in there. A world gone wrong - has maybe always been that way. It’s not a bummer to speak about this. Real conversations that allow. LIstening. Made up minds as one way thinking stagnates - mutilates while it stagnates. I cry easily. That helps. I wonder - when did all of a sudden show up as platforms with placards. Talking points here. Remember - always. That person standing in front of you - has a long lived life if their hair has started turning silver. Trust that there has been some important lived experience you - I - can learn from. Telling it like it is - is telling it like it is from one’s own lens - ideas - lived experience. The soft places we might admire of sitting by the fire - well - to get to that soft place of seeing and listening only comes from listening to the voices that are maybe only in your head. Quiet around the fire. Whisper invites a strained - forced - arrival at this moment. That persons brain. Fire away dendrites.