Posts tagged Christmas
Book Ways - Holiday Children's Books

Otto and the Secret Light of Christmas by Nora & Pirkko - Liisa Surojegin

Children of the Northern Lights by Ingri & Edgar Farin D’Aulaire

The Christmas Eve Tree by Delia Huddy illustrate by Emily Sutton

Here are three lovely children’s books for you to track down at your library or in a bookshop. I am a great lover of children’s books. I have saved some books over the years from my daughter’s growing up days. However, I still do occasionally purchase children’s book because they are beautiful. These three books are magical and you might enjoy sitting down in a quiet moment to read them this week. I hope you love them!

Home Diary Ways - Festive Tour
Before the ice is in the pools—
Before the skaters go,
Or any check at nightfall
Is tarnished by the snow—

Before the fields have finished,
Before the Christmas tree,
Wonder upon wonder
Will arrive to me!
— Emily Dickinson

The Farmers Daughter

Come on a full holiday season tour of The Farmers Daughter with me. A complete picture of all of the holiday decor to tempt you as well as give you inspiration for your own holiday decorating. Whether or not you celebrate Christmas time - does not matter. This festive season offers the simplest ideas from a tiny bell to hang on a nail in your home to full out fantasy decorating in the myriad of ways offered here. What I love about The Farmers Daughter is that each vignette sparks an imaginative scenario that one might carry out in your own particular home setting. A walk through of the seasonal delights is a bit like a museum of imagination. It always feels like a storybook trail - with a satisfied sigh at the end of the visit. I hope you enjoy your magical time here.

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

The Farmers Daughter

That concludes our festive tour of The Farmers Daughter. I hope you enjoyed your time here. Perhaps you found some inspiration or a simple idea to carry out in your own Home Place. I came away with two candles and a small little bell. It was just right. Thank you for walking with me…