Posts tagged Quilt
Lifeways - Review Ways

Vintage Finds

At this time of year often we are evaluating things about our lives. A new year can bring a sense of wanting some changes made in different areas of everyday living. A fresh slate before us can be exciting! Offerings are advertised to us. There are new classes to take - trainings to sign up for - decluttering ideas along with how to reorganize nearly everything - lifestyle habit changes are offered - starting new journals - healthy living programs - new ways to eat - the list goes on. Because we are surrounded by messages telling us we need to start whipping ourselves into some kind of shape - it can feel a bit overwhelming. At least, that is how I feel.

I am not a fan of suddenly setting up expectations for myself just because it is a new calendar year. The winter time in New England does not feel to me like a new beginning. New beginnings to me feel more like a springtime happening. The winter feels more like a hibernating time. It is useful to look into what works for you as an individual rather than following the crowd of culture that dictates how we might direct our own lives. This seems like something to look at during this time of year. We have just come through a holiday season and perhaps looking at how that time was valuable to you is worth writing about in a journal.

Something I do here is evaluate how things are for myself. How are things going for me? What do I wish and hope for? Is there anything I might shift in how I am carrying out routines? Where am I at creatively? Your list of questions to ask yourself will most likely be different. I think taking the time in these first few weeks of this new calendar year to just simply sit and ask yourself questions is a useful practice. It brings to the forefront what is on your mind. I gives you a window into what feels most important to you right now.

Exploring in the beginning of a year is a creative way to review your biography. Of course you can do this at any time. I do think that because the energy of the culture is looking into what it hopeful or expectant - one can ride on this energy a bit and search out ways that life is needing a bit of a review. I recommend getting out a piece of paper - nothing fancy. Fancy puts too much pressure on you. Just begin to write down random thoughts that come to mind regarding a life review. Let’s call this an evaluation epistolary. This is for your eyes only.

Create a bit of writing for yourself that begins with maybe just of one thing your were pleased with that went well this year. It can be as big or as small as you like. You are not trying to impress yourself. Maybe you are happy that you were kinder this year. Perhaps you followed through with something important to you. Or - you were less hard on yourself this year. You pick what is the first thing that comes to mind for yourself in your relaxed wandering mind. I think this gets you started.

Your writing can - your list - will bring you to surprising places. Stick with it. You could also begin to write a bit - take a break - come back to your writing later on that day. The point is - find the places where your mind is landing right now. Not in a future place in the year. Or sometime five years down the road. Land just here in this moment and see what your heart and mind are sharing with you. It is worth listening to. Let me know what you find out.