Hungry Eyes

The Gentle Tarot - Five of Cups

The Gentle Tarot - Five of Cups

Human depths of sadness - ring found round the earth. Ideation of horror comes from I do not know where. A possession of empty hollowed out blanks - simmer in places unseen and unknown - unknowable. Cups spilled in a life absent of warmth - plenty - flowers. Can a medicine of two cups fill the empty cups lacking in depth of unfathomable. Each born in tender arrival - mixture of expectation - dread - moment uninvited. Deeper exploration perhaps finds explanation - excuse - rational. Vacant. Dark cloak holds shoulders on, baring the weight of atrocity. Inhumanity. Walk carefully - looking into lava that is about to rupture in one explosive fissure ignited. For all of time - inventive structures hardened into lack of honey or water smooth. Cement builds cruelty - tears cease to fall - disbelief. Carried misery for all with the hidden violence of some - too many - too much. Let the hood of cloaks fall - see into the hungry eyes that need bread.