Posts tagged poetryoftarot
Abundance of Pumpkins

Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee - artwork Kipling West


An internal beat quietly is present in the undergrowth of weedy living -
Lambs ears is fading - unable to hear the stroke of ignorance
Seeing into earths seeds of abundance - they ask for another chance -

Reflection require - a heavy carry of past viewpoint - skip a stone across oceans -
Over there in my field - I am sturdy in my unknowing -
Wire cutters are readied - a mantle of disappear is a shroud -

Lemniscate past this gate - clear eyed - uncertain masks in lightened darkness
Shipwrecked against shores of forgetting - dampened spirits -
Holy helpers - pull at the weight of a lightly worn mistake -

Balanced scales - fear winds round rocks in forested landscape -
Gnarled sticks hold lichen - ancient history in tendrils of noise -
Wise comes - listen to the wind - it’s above your head full of thinking.

~Linden of The Bone Lines


Witches Wisdom Tarot


It is 5:55 am - drizzle drips down window sash -
Water element - rivulets direct themselves nowhere -
Individual droplets merge - swell into full -
Carried to Earth -soaking seeds for future flowers
Bouquet bounty arrives in droplets of water -

Elemental energy - wisdom winding around staff of wisdom -
Desert of mind - nourished by moisture -
Paired knowledge - internal - external - centered
Colored landscape - climb into a cavern of patchwork
Learn - Earthways invite apprenticeship - trusted bedrock

All that stands with you - family of ancestors - medicine
Examined dreams tell stories - catch glimpses in mirrored seeking -
Strength - despite unknown - delay in knowledge -
Contemplation held in flesh - wrapped in sinewed understanding -
Book of Leaves - antidote to over reach - rational wrecked

Fire - autumnal breach - wings flighted messengers held -
Painted trees - orange and gold - camouflage our retreat
Preparation is remedy - aloft in discovery - ribbon of connection -
Tendrils delicate in patterned nuance - message to the gods ever listened to -
Hieroglyph hearts - etched rhythm in flighted work toward - activate

Grizzly - Owl - Hare - community of ancient knowledge - in blood extant
Strands of helix - traverse wide transition - congregation expanse -
Element eclipse shadows - shuttered views framed in ignorance -
Long ago time - present timed story - cloaks discovered knowledge -
Individual claimed - community gathers - eclipsed.

~Linden of The Bone Lines

Seeding Change

Multi Deck Tarot Spread

Still - in the Full Moon energy transiting through the days. How has it been for you? The strong pull of big Aries may have you thinking of your big ideas. It is a good time to get this written down in a journal. Write down all of your ideas - even if you feel they are outlandish. When we write down what lives inside of us - possibility can then be seen. Our mind sees the written word and we begin to imagine that some things are possible.

How wide can we forecast and dream what lives inside of us? At midlife and later - it may seem that our paths are set down for us. We have lived our lives - what can be changed now? The are plenty of examples of people changing the course of their lives - in all walks of life. I was listening to a woman yesterday speaking about - Legacy. What does legacy mean to each person? What might be important to me would seem mundane to another. It is something worth thinking about and mulling over before we die. What are the things that have been important to us in this life - currently - no matter what age we are, this is a useful thing to contemplate.

Often times as we move along through the days we might ignore what is bringing contentment to us. What are the things that light us up? It does not have to be grand. Maybe we are good at something that just comes very naturally to us. It doesn’t feel like a particularly special gift. It is something that we easily do with enjoyment and ease. Others perhaps frequently compliment or remark on our ability. This might be something that will open possibilities in our thinking about our lives. Sometimes, we search for the big clues - the flashy ideas! How can we be different and unique in this life and “make our mark”? It is a part of our modern culture to look only to what is in front of us. Some have lost touch with the ancient knowings that were once just a part of our lineage.

The things that humans have always done over time is very much still the same. Our basic needs must be met to survive and thrive. So, that includes - shelter, food, clothing. After this - we might have time to expand what is needed, to align with a bit more creativity in our lives. The more a society allows for the care and tending of the people - People Care - the more opportunity for real imaginal awakening would be present. If we are scrabbling to get by - where can we find the space to create a life that suits us individually. The community allows the individual to thrive or not.

It is somewhat of a myth told to us from childhood - typically in the United States - “You can be whatever you want to be!” While I might agree that in theory this is so - in practice more systemic change needs to occur before this is a truth. It is true we have the opportunity, if we have the support and networks - lifestyle and family support - systems in place that support humans and their well being. However, without these basic safety nets in place - it becomes much, much more difficult for everyone to begin on a level playing field. Isn’t it a playing field after all?

In the interest of not bringing you down into the depths however, I do think there is this often unexplored realm of living that begins in the psyche - the imaginal realm. If we can develop the skill to envision ideas, outcomes, futures, healing, well-being - it is a place to exercise a sense of possibility in the world that is unique and special to each of us. Without the skill to even begin to dream - how do we begin to find pathways of purpose and meaning that holds something for us individually? This is not something that is readily or easily talked about in many circles. Imagine - in early childhood if we were taught to dream and vision in our quieted minds. This is where the seeds of creativity live. Our minds would be awakened to creating as a matter of course. This realm of expansion would not be closed off or shut down. This is a huge topic - one that has lived with me through all of my days. What I am actually saying is that the culture does not support creative thinking - misfits - way finders - dreamers.

Creating a legacy - finding a purpose goes back to the beginning of creating a life. In order to find unique ways of living - freedom needs to be offered to each of us. If we are guided into particular funnels and tunnels - this is shut off early on in childhood. We cannot say - do anything you dream of - and then force people to follow particular guidelines in learning. It is only later on in life when discontent, confusion, depression - a sense of something is not right here - might we begin to look at this. It is for this reason I am a strong believer in imagination and fostering it early on and throughout one’s life.

You may say that I’m a dreamer - but, I’m not the only one...
— John Lennon

Of course all of this is said in full and utter awareness of the culture we live in now. However, the smaller shifts can occur slowly as we awaken to what is living inside of us. Is it true that there is so much discontent today due to the world cosmology? Or rather is it that the circumstance is not created that we can live as the free and loving humans that we arrive here on Earth as? I don’t believe that there is a narrow framework that we need to fit into. The challenge is in finding ways to live in a system that does not find room for our holistic human selves to find creative ways to live.

Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes made of ticky-tacky
Little boxes, little boxes
Little boxes all the same
— Malvina Reynolds/Pete Seeger

So, maybe trying to live our lives as poetic beings is a pie-in-the-sky idea. Or maybe it is all that really matters. A legacy of what we can imagine into possibility is an effort worth looking at. The stars is one place to look…

What role does imagination play in your life? How might you connect with your imagination even more regularly? Journaling the Tarot: Evolutions by Andy Matzner, psychotherapist - is an excellent resource for journal prompts and questions for exploration.

Image is Psyche
— Carl Jung
Lady bug
Muroidea Rat Tarot -

Muroidea Rat Tarot -

Wide feet swollen from years of standing - clawed feet scratching their way to a mountaintop. The top is dismantled as the the rocks fall away - crushing whatever stands in its way. Trickle down - more like tumbledown - more like knock down - more like just plain down. Remove the bottom foundation - the foundation of people holding up tenuous sky higher ups. The din of sound is deafening if listened to with wide open hands. May we have Bread. Hands cupped to ears catch a phrase of desperation - ignored. Pretty words dressed up as rescue is a fancy cake that is just out of reach - at the bakery behind glass doors - crumbs for the mice. A bundle of carry holds treasured hopes at the end of a precarious branch plucked from the forest they have been traversing for lifetimes. Locked inside of the small leather satchel - cross bodied carry is a piece of paper that says you pass. Hold on tight - hold on for dear life lest you are cast off the cliff - precarious for not one. Heat of sun is massive power creating unbearable pressure - keep walking - don’t walk off the end of the precipice. One small leg of tickle is an unlucky pulse that can create abandoned. Layered choice is not foolish - understandable soil embeds your memorable footprint. Lady bug, lady bug - who do you know? Lady bug, lady bug - who do you ask? Lady bug, lady bug - red shelled messenger - droplets of dotted hopes. The rat creature is just like you - just like me. Only a fool would decide to turn back.

Hungry Eyes
The Gentle Tarot - Five of Cups

The Gentle Tarot - Five of Cups

Human depths of sadness - ring found round the earth. Ideation of horror comes from I do not know where. A possession of empty hollowed out blanks - simmer in places unseen and unknown - unknowable. Cups spilled in a life absent of warmth - plenty - flowers. Can a medicine of two cups fill the empty cups lacking in depth of unfathomable. Each born in tender arrival - mixture of expectation - dread - moment uninvited. Deeper exploration perhaps finds explanation - excuse - rational. Vacant. Dark cloak holds shoulders on, baring the weight of atrocity. Inhumanity. Walk carefully - looking into lava that is about to rupture in one explosive fissure ignited. For all of time - inventive structures hardened into lack of honey or water smooth. Cement builds cruelty - tears cease to fall - disbelief. Carried misery for all with the hidden violence of some - too many - too much. Let the hood of cloaks fall - see into the hungry eyes that need bread.