Lady bug

Muroidea Rat Tarot -

Muroidea Rat Tarot -

Wide feet swollen from years of standing - clawed feet scratching their way to a mountaintop. The top is dismantled as the the rocks fall away - crushing whatever stands in its way. Trickle down - more like tumbledown - more like knock down - more like just plain down. Remove the bottom foundation - the foundation of people holding up tenuous sky higher ups. The din of sound is deafening if listened to with wide open hands. May we have Bread. Hands cupped to ears catch a phrase of desperation - ignored. Pretty words dressed up as rescue is a fancy cake that is just out of reach - at the bakery behind glass doors - crumbs for the mice. A bundle of carry holds treasured hopes at the end of a precarious branch plucked from the forest they have been traversing for lifetimes. Locked inside of the small leather satchel - cross bodied carry is a piece of paper that says you pass. Hold on tight - hold on for dear life lest you are cast off the cliff - precarious for not one. Heat of sun is massive power creating unbearable pressure - keep walking - don’t walk off the end of the precipice. One small leg of tickle is an unlucky pulse that can create abandoned. Layered choice is not foolish - understandable soil embeds your memorable footprint. Lady bug, lady bug - who do you know? Lady bug, lady bug - who do you ask? Lady bug, lady bug - red shelled messenger - droplets of dotted hopes. The rat creature is just like you - just like me. Only a fool would decide to turn back.