Folded In Ways

Folded In

Layers of petals wrap around a body of soil - engaged with growing
Heave in and out - grandiose gesture encompasses want -
If grasped too tightly - slowly the remedy slips away -

A seed drops from the sky - entangled message spreads far and wide -
The Call of Birds begins - song to songbird - held between beaks of breaking -
Magnificent turkey is the highest flyer - sky high in air currents - dial in -

Vision like hawks gathered for soaring - geothermal patterns map -
Wings bend in directions against all odds - whispers like engines -
Carried grasp on backs of messengers - encoded response listens -

I send up a weavers prayer - edge of Iona receives the note -
Waves of longing lap against the cliffs - sea moss draped round shoulders -
Siren song of the sea - hear a missive of the missing -

Hardened edges bring formation of crystalline patterns - called in to dream -
As seals catch the dripping sorrow - ships continue to carry sourced lack -
Wave past oldened image - etched treasure is clutched against golden apples-

The Bone Lines