Posts tagged sacred bee
the journey - the sacred bee tarot

the journey - the sacred bee tarot

The journey is wide - poppy petals enfold the landing or the pathway. A little fairy bee scurries in and out with magic golden pollen all over his legs. The message carried back from the worker to the hive says - this is what I found out there in the wide, wide world. I interact. The dream of the hive is carried in the pollen that receives the bee so openly. All working for the good of the hive. One journey. In totality the collective work keeps the nucleus of the queen mother cared for. We each are the queen mother carrying our hive of minds with us wherever we go. There is a trail to explore - flight pattern redirects. Golden dust edges the heels of our feet - haphazardly landing in softness - perhaps a mess. we gather up what is needed the best we can - stuff our pockets full. Still it most likely isn’t enough. Radiating inward is a good direction to circle as one hovers midair waiting for takeoff. Suddenly - the wind carries us upward in concentric circling of chaos currents - release. Carry the messages of seed pollen - hive geometry - into the dark marrow of bone lines. Sketch the phase of forgetting that is necessary for growth. Reappear with an imagination coated in sacred honey hive collective bargaining. Stand at the table and begin a ruckus.