Poetry Ways

Is it winter again, is it cold again,
didn’t Frank just slip on the ice,
didn’t he heal, weren’t the spring seeds planted
didn’t the night end,
didn’t the melting ice
flood the narrow gutters
wasn’t my body
rescued, wasn’t it safe
didn’t the scar form, invisible
above the injury
terror and cold,
didn’t they just end, wasn’t the back garden
harrowed and plantedI remember how the earth felt, red and dense,
in stiff rows, weren’t the seeds planted,
didn’t vines climb the south wall
I can’t hear your voice
for the wind’s cries, whistling over the bare ground
I no longer care
what sound it makes
when was I silenced, when did it first seem
pointless to describe that sound
what it sounds like can’t change what it is didn’t
the night end, wasn’t the earth
safe when it was planted
didn’t we plant the seeds,
weren’t we necessary to the earth,
the vines, were they harvested?
— Louise Gluck

Honoring Our Ancestors Through Poetry

Poetry is a powerful medium for expressing our deepest emotions, thoughts, and connections to the world around us. One of the most profound themes that poetry can explore is the relationship we have with our ancestors. Honoring our ancestors through verse allows us to celebrate their lives, acknowledge their legacies, and reflect on the wisdom they've passed down through generations. In this blog post, we'll explore a collection of poetry prompts designed to help you to honor your ancestors and create beautiful, meaningful poetry.

Ancestral Memories:

Prompt: Write a poem that vividly describes a memory, story, or moment shared with an ancestor. It could be a tale passed down through generations, a personal encounter, or even a fictionalized account inspired by their experiences.


In the creaking rocking chair, I see her face,

As she spun tales of a bygone time and place,

Her laughter like music, her wisdom profound,

In her stories, ancestral voices resound.


Ancestral Landscapes:

Prompt: Describe a place that holds significance for your ancestors. It might be the country or region they came from, a family homestead, or a place of historical importance. Craft a poem that pays tribute to the beauty and significance of this location.



In the rolling hills where my forebears tread,

Their footsteps in the soil, their stories widespread,

The ancestral landscapes where my roots were sown,

In the whispers of the wind, their spirits have known.


Ancestral Traditions:


Prompt: Write a poem that explores the traditions and customs that have been passed down through your family or culture. Celebrate the rituals, celebrations, and values that continue to shape your life.



In the kitchen's warmth, where stories were told,

Family recipes, secrets in the fold,

Ancestral traditions, timeless and true,

In each lovingly-prepared meal, they shine through.


Ancestral Challenges:


Prompt: Reflect on the trials and tribulations faced by your ancestors. Write a poem that captures the resilience, courage, and determination that helped them overcome adversity.



In the face of hardship, they stood unbowed,

Ancestors strong, resilient and proud,

Challenges they faced with hearts unafraid,

Their legacy of strength, a debt never repaid.


Ancestral Blessings:


Prompt: Express gratitude for the blessings, talents, or characteristics that you've inherited from your ancestors. Write a poem that celebrates the positive qualities and attributes that you've received from your forebears.



In the mirror's reflection, I see their grace,

In every smile, the contours of their face,

Ancestral blessings, a gift from above,

A legacy of love, an unbreakable bond.

Honoring our ancestors through poetry is a beautiful way to connect with our roots, celebrate our heritage, and preserve the wisdom of those who came before us. These poetry prompts are a great starting point for delving into the rich tapestry of your family's history and the legacy left by your ancestors. So, pick up your pen, let your creativity flow, and let your ancestors' stories and spirits inspire your poetry. In doing so, you'll be paying a heartfelt tribute to those who have shaped your life and continue to guide you from the past.


Here are a few books that can inspire and guide you in your journey of honoring your ancestors through poetry and other creative expressions:

"The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution" by Richard Dawkins:

This book offers a unique perspective on ancestry, taking readers on a journey through evolutionary history. It can inspire poetry that connects the broader concept of human ancestry and our shared origins with all life on Earth.

"The Lost Spells" by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris:

While not directly about ancestor honoring, this beautifully illustrated book contains enchanting spells and poems that celebrate the natural world and its creatures. It can serve as a source of inspiration for poetry that connects with the earth and its ancient wisdom.

"The Way of the Earth: Encounters with Nature in Ancient and Contemporary Thought" by T.C. McLuhan:

This book explores the relationship between humanity and the natural world throughout history. It provides insights into how various cultures have honored their ancestors through their connection with nature, which can be a rich source of inspiration for poetry.

"Ancestor: A Novel" by Scott Sigler:

While this is a science fiction novel, it explores the idea of genetic ancestry and its implications in a futuristic setting. It can inspire creative and speculative poetry on the themes of genetic inheritance and ancestral connections.

"The Poet's Guide to the Cosmos: Poems of the Night Sky" edited by Jeff Bahr:

This anthology includes a collection of poems that celebrate the night sky, constellations, and our connection to the cosmos. It can serve as a starting point for poetry that contemplates our place in the universe and our ancestral ties to the stars.

These books, while not specifically focused on ancestor honoring through poetry, can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your creative endeavors. They offer diverse perspectives on the themes of ancestry, nature, and human connection, which can enrich your poetic exploration of honoring your ancestors.