Posts tagged November2023
Unwinding Ways

the Unwinding by Jackie Morris

The Unwinding and other dreamings by Jackie Morris is a book for dreamers.

This book is not meant to be read from cover to cover. It is a book for dreamers. Slight of word, rich of image, its purpose is to ease the soul.
The paintings between these covers were worked on in the between times, an Unwinding of the soul, when the pressures of were were too much. Dreams and wishes are the inspiration at times like this. Threaded through the curious world of The Unwinding are words, slight and lyrical. Their aim is to set the reader’s mind adrift from the troubles of our times, into peaceful harbours where imagination can stretch, where quiet reflection can bring peace.
The Unwinding is designed to be a companion, a talisman to be turned to again and again, a place of respite from an increasingly frantic and complex world.
(From The Inside Dust Jacket)

the keeper of lost dreams

Does she have a name, this woman? If she does, it is known only to a handful of people. The bear knows. He is the only creature of the earth she would call her friend. Between them there is trust, love. Her world is between the dusk light and the dawn light, the time of the moths, of the owls and the bats. (the beginning One)


All she ever wanted was to escape from the ground. Earth-bound, landlocked, gravity her enemy. All she ever d reamed was to lift light into flight, to soar upwards, take to the skies with winged things.
And bird. She loved birds - loved how even a fallen feather, held between fingers, would pulse and turn in the hand and reach skywards as if, like her, every feather longed to be back in the air. (from myth - the midnight fish)

harbour - a strange boat

The women love to see the light of the full moon in the daylight sky, how it seems so slight, almost transparent, a tissue-paper disc in the light of the sun, And they love to dance.
White bears guard their journey, Dark-eyed owls watch the waves. They are dreamers, these women, these bears, they are seers and speakers of truth, dancers of time, travelling the world, gathering stories, For now, for a while, they rest on the water.
Stand on the shore and watch. As the moon sinks towards the edge of the sea you might see her open her wings wide in the twilight and rise to the sky, away from the skin of the sea, into the ocean of stars.
(from - harbour - a strange boat)

rest - Bear And The Nightingale

Wind in the trees, rattle branch. Can they hear the stars, here where they lie in the hollow? Head in hands, head on paw, each rests in silent trust of other, while daylight moths whisper night songs and nightingale, the bird of summer threads his song of love through winter’s dark.
Hare love the moon, misses her bright gaze, knows that she will come again with a wild certainty.
(from rest- Bear And The Nightingale)

Rest now, in the peace of the wild things. May the swan be your pillow, may teh gold owl bring you visions. May the red fox give you cunning, and the wolf bring you courage. And may the while hore lend her strength to all your days
— Jackie Morris

Please support this artist and her gorgeous books of beauty and poetic stories. You can find her at Jackie Morris. She lives in Wales in the UK. This particular book as it was mentioned is - a talisman to carry with you as you seek.

Herbal Tea Ways

Sipping Nature's Elixir: Herbal Tea as Your Plant Medicine for Health

Introduction: In a world that's constantly buzzing with the latest health trends and superfoods, there's one age-old remedy that has withstood the test of time—herbal tea. Beyond its comforting warmth and delightful flavors, herbal tea serves as a powerhouse of plant medicine, offering a holistic approach to well-being. Let's dive into the world of herbal teas and uncover the secret elixirs that nature has tucked away in its leaves, blossoms, and roots.

The Garden of Health: Imagine a garden where every leaf and petal is a potential remedy for your ailments. Herbal teas are crafted from a myriad of plants, each possessing unique properties that can address specific health concerns. From calming chamomile to invigorating peppermint, nature has provided us with a pharmacy in its greenery.

Healing Brews: Herbal teas aren't just warm beverages; they are healing brews that can soothe, rejuvenate, and restore balance to your body and mind. Take, for instance, the floral marvel, hibiscus tea, renowned for its ability to lower blood pressure and boost heart health. Or the earthy echinacea tea, a warrior against colds and flu, strengthening your immune system naturally.

Stress-Relief in a Cup: In the hustle and bustle of modern life, stress has become a constant companion. Enter herbal teas like lavender and passionflower, offering not only a fragrant escape from reality but also powerful stress-relief properties. Picture yourself sipping a cup of lavender-infused bliss, letting the soothing aroma transport you to a tranquil oasis.

Digestive Harmony: Tired of feeling bloated and sluggish? Herbal teas like ginger and peppermint are your digestive allies. Ginger tea aids in digestion and alleviates nausea, while peppermint tea can calm an upset stomach. It's like a gentle massage for your digestive system, helping it find its natural rhythm.

A Symphony of Flavors: One of the most enchanting aspects of herbal teas is the symphony of flavors they bring to your cup. From the sweet notes of chamomile to the robust tones of dandelion root, each sip is a journey through the diverse and delightful palette of nature. Say goodbye to artificial flavors and embrace the authentic taste of health.

Herbal tea is more than just a beverage; it's a celebration of nature's healing touch. As you embark on your tea journey, remember that the power to enhance your well-being lies within the leaves, flowers, and roots of these plant medicines. So, brew a cup, savor the flavors, and let the magic of herbal tea weave its holistic spell on your health. Cheers to a sip-worthy, healthy life!


Here are some Recipes for you to try:
Heartache Relief Elixir:

When you might experience those moments when heartache feels like an unwelcome guest - the simple ritual of making a cup of tea can bring a sense of grounding. In times of emotional turbulence, herbal teas can offer solace and comfort, gently guiding you back to a place of tranquility. While it is not an immediate remedy - a consistent effort toward herbal tea making - over time - will bring a lifting up. Here's a heartache relief elixir - crafted from nature's embrace:


  • 1 teaspoon of dried rose petals: Symbolizing love and compassion, rose petals bring a touch of sweetness to your cup while soothing the emotional heart.

  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried lavender buds: Known for its calming properties, lavender helps ease tension and promotes relaxation, creating a gentle haven for your emotions.

  • 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers: With its mild, apple-like flavor, chamomile adds a comforting warmth to the blend and aids in relaxation.

  • 1 slice of fresh ginger: To infuse a hint of spice and warmth, ginger brings a subtle kick while supporting digestion—both physically and emotionally.

  • Honey to taste: Sweetness to uplift your spirits; honey adds a touch of natural sweetness to your elixir.


  1. Boil 2 cups of water in a pot.

  2. Add the rose petals, lavender buds, chamomile flowers, and ginger slice to the boiling water.

  3. Let the herbs steep for about 5-7 minutes, allowing their essence to infuse into the water.

  4. Strain the mixture into your favorite mug, discarding the used herbs.

  5. Add honey to taste - if desired - stirring gently to blend the flavors.

  6. Find a quiet, cozy spot, cradle your cup in your hands, and take slow, deliberate sips. Allow the warmth and soothing properties of the herbs to envelop you.

This heartache relief elixir is more than a drink; it's a ritual of self-care and healing. As the aroma of rose, lavender, and chamomile fills the air, let the blend embrace you like a gentle hug, providing comfort and easing the ache in your heart. Remember, healing takes time, and this elixir is your ally in the journey toward emotional well-being.

Winter Tea

Winter Calm Destress Elixir:

The winter holidays, with their bustling festivities and joyful chaos, can sometimes leave us feeling a bit overwhelmed. Amid the twinkling lights and cheerful tunes, finding a moment of calm becomes essential. The Winter Calm Destress Elixir—a herbal tea blend designed to bring tranquility to your holiday season.


  • 1 cinnamon stick: A winter favorite, cinnamon adds a warm, comforting flavor to your tea while promoting relaxation.

  • 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves: Known for its refreshing and invigorating properties, peppermint brings a crisp, cool element to balance the warmth of the cinnamon.

  • 1/2 teaspoon of dried lemon balm: With its citrusy and mild flavor, lemon balm acts as a natural mood enhancer, lifting your spirits during the holiday hustle.

  • 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers: Chamomile, a timeless relaxant, adds a gentle touch to soothe your nerves and promote relaxation.

  • Orange peel (optional): For a burst of citrusy aroma and flavor, add a few strips of dried orange peel to the mix.

  • Honey or maple syrup to taste.


  1. Boil 2 cups of water in a pot.

  2. Add the cinnamon stick, dried peppermint leaves, lemon balm, chamomile flowers, and optional orange peel to the boiling water.

  3. Allow the herbs to steep for 7-10 minutes, letting the rich flavors meld together.

  4. Remove the cinnamon stick and strain the mixture into your favorite holiday mug.

  5. Sweeten your elixir with honey or maple syrup, adjusting to your preferred level of sweetness.

  6. Wrap yourself in a cozy blanket, find a quiet corner by the fireplace, and quietly savor the moment as you sip this Winter Calm Destress Elixir.

As the aromatic blend of cinnamon, peppermint, and chamomile envelops you, let the holiday stress melt away. This tea is a step toward a peaceful pause amidst the festivities —a gentle reminder to savor the magic of the season and find serenity in the simple joys. Gentle tending to a winter filled with calm in these times.

Serenity Infusion:

For those moments when you crave pure tranquility and a break from the ordinary, a calming herbal infusion might be what you need. The Serenity Infusion is a delightful blend of herbs that will transport you to a state of blissful calmness.


  • 1 tablespoon of dried lavender buds: Lavender, renowned for its calming properties, takes center stage in this infusion, creating a soothing and aromatic base.

  • 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers: Chamomile, with its mild and apple-like flavor, complements the lavender, enhancing the overall calming effect.

  • 1 teaspoon of dried lemon verbena: Adding a touch of citrusy brightness, lemon verbena brings a refreshing twist to the infusion.

  • 1 teaspoon of dried passionflower: Known for its anxiety-reducing properties, passionflower contributes a layer of tranquility to the blend.

  • 1 teaspoon of dried skullcap: A gentle herb that promotes relaxation, skullcap adds depth to the infusion, encouraging a sense of calm.

  • Optional: A slice of fresh ginger for a subtle warmth.


  1. Boil 2 cups of water in a pot.

  2. Add the dried lavender buds, chamomile flowers, lemon verbena, passionflower, and optional ginger to the boiling water.

  3. Allow the herbs to steep for 8-10 minutes, allowing their essence to fully infuse into the water.

  4. Strain the mixture into a teapot or your favorite infusion vessel, separating the liquid from the used herbs.

  5. Find a serene spot, perhaps near a window with soft natural light, and pour yourself a cup of the Serenity Infusion.

  6. Take a moment to inhale the calming aroma and savor each sip, letting the gentle dance of herbs transport you to a state of peaceful serenity.

This Serenity Infusion is your invitation to unwind and embrace tranquility. Whether enjoyed in the morning as a mindful start to your day or in the evening as a prelude to a restful night, let this calming herbal infusion be your companion on the journey to inner peace.

As you embark on your journey into the world of herbal teas, it's essential to have a guide that unlocks the secrets of nature's healing elixirs. Here's a curated list of herbal books that will turn your tea-making endeavors into a delightful and knowledgeable exploration:

  1. The Herbal Medicine-Maker's Handbook by James Green: James Green takes you on a comprehensive journey into the art of herbalism, including detailed insights into crafting medicinal teas. Learn the art of blending herbs and discover the magic of creating your own healing infusions.

  2. Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide by Rosemary Gladstar: Rosemary Gladstar, a renowned herbalist, shares her wisdom on the benefits of medicinal herbs, including those perfect for crafting health-enhancing teas. This beginner-friendly guide is a treasure trove of herbal knowledge.

  3. The Tea Book" by Linda Gaylard: While not exclusively focused on medicinal teas, this book is a comprehensive guide to the world of tea. Explore different tea varieties, brewing techniques, and the art of blending to elevate your tea-making skills.

  4. The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal by David Hoffmann: Dive deep into the holistic approach to herbalism with David Hoffmann's richly illustrated guide. Discover the medicinal properties of herbs and how they can be harnessed to create healing teas that cater to various health needs.

  5. Healing Herbal Teas by Sarah Farr: a delightful blend of herbal wisdom and practical recipes. From stress-relief to immune-boosting concoctions, this book provides a diverse array of herbal tea recipes for different purposes.

  6. The Modern Herbal Dispensatory: A Medicine-Making Guide by Thomas Easley and Steven Horne: This guide delves into the art of making herbal medicines, including teas. Gain a deeper understanding of herbal preparations and empower yourself to create personalized herbal remedies tailored to your health goals.

Armed with these books, your tea-making journey will transform into an herbal adventure. From understanding the properties of medicinal herbs to crafting your own blends, these reads will elevate your appreciation for the art and science of herbal teas. There are so many more books - these will get you started. Happy reading and brewing!

Wildwood Apothecary video: Making Nourishing Herbal Infusions

This information is for educational purposes only. Please see your health care provider for any support you might need.

Book Ways - If They Come For Us


Today there are books. I trust that you might go and look these books up if the titles and covers appeal to you. In all of the words - in all of the places - I find myself.

Hagitude by Sharon Blackie

The Old Wise Woman by Rix Weaver

If They Come For Us by Fatimah Ashghar

The Beloved Dead

an aunt teaches me how to tell
an edible flower
from a poisonous one.
just in case, I hear her say, just in case.
— Fatimah Asghar