Posts tagged ancestors
Poetry Ways

The Beloved Dead Oracle by Carrie Paris & Tina Hardt

Self Preservation

Holding out your hand I grabbed hold as you pulled me toward Florence Nightingale,
Aids crisis in full blown catastrophe - walk in rooms with full regalia on,
Lost souls - reaching toward please help me - will I die poems written all over their face.

Too young to fully grasp - disaster full speed ahead - look aside,
A life to lead - imprinted with - you just never do know - ever,
Scars etched upon a soul - try to remain bright eyed - when deep down you have seen some shit.

Leave the moans behind a closed curtain - smells of alcohol stinging eyes,
That doctor flirts - he tries to escape the tragedy - knows powerlessness,
Best hope is sculpted with prescription of - take care of business now.

Skeletons of desire - recall lost recollection - last rites,
I wrap your body in white - a hurried convention - quick find a moment,
To wipe tears of lost - as humanity scrapes past - all of the unknowing nothingness.

And now memory - souls of knowing - collide in all moments of pain seen,
Beloved Death is found in - lands scorched in belief,
A toll rings - bells are siren sound reminders of yesterdays pure white shrouds.

A mist rises across earthen blunder,
Pulse of missed heart beats - scratched directions in the dirt,
The best can be done - in shadow casted east to west - hidden revealed.

~Linden of The Bone Lines

The Beloved Dead Oracle by Carrie Paris & Tina Hardt

All Soul's Day

Lebanon, CT graveyard

All Soul’s Day is November 2. This walk through a cemetery in Lebanon, CT is one I have been to a number of times. I drive by this place on a hill quite often - coming and going places. It isn’t on a main route - it is just on a route I seem to travel. It is a beautiful graveyard. I always send a blessing to it as I travel by. It is beautiful in all season and all weather. This day is was unusually foggy in the middle of the day. The fog created a melancholy feeling over all of the day as I was out and about. The stones are a bit askew in some places as the earth is beginning to swallow them up. I like how they are a part of the ground so organically. The words are worn off a number of the stones and lichen and moss carve their epitaphs in green. This haphazardly laid out graveyard is typical in New England in old places.

Lebanon, CT graveyard

After visiting the dead - it can be a bit unsettling while also feeling comforting at the same time. It feels a bit time out of time while sitting with the ancestor stones. I did stay for awhile - sending blessings and prayers to the souls there. Sitting on the stone wall felt solid and grounded. All those lives carried out over all these years - laid to rest. It is good to pay respects to the dead at this time of year especially. The ancestors want to be talked to - remembered - held in memory. I hope you will get to visit a cemetery to pay respects to those that have walked here before us. Bring an offering of kindness and a few words of tenderness.

The Halloween Tarot

The Halloween Tarot

How To Use Tarot for Personal Growth from Jessica Dowches-Wheeler . This is a clear and bright article about using tarot for personal growth. I also have Lindsay Mack as one of my lineage teachers. I highly recommend her Soul Tarot School as a resource for you.