Posts tagged full moon
Full Moon in Aries

tarot deck

It is an Aries Full Moon on this day in the constellations. This is a time that corresponds to peaks, culminations, and heightened activity and feeling. It is a good time to see your projects to the finish line, but remember to rest and nurture your system amid the activity of the moment. Trusting your instincts. Trust your passion. Trust the paths that light your heart on fire. If you are looking for daily information in an astrology app I use the Chani App for focused astrology delivered each day. Theresa Reed is also another very experienced astrologer and tarot reader that offers many resources. I highly recommend her. I will share more resources over time, that I have found useful, educational and inspiring. Astrology is a beautiful life map to help create rhythm and structure to your days.

This full moon finds me immersed in a class online. I will share about it in a later post. Taking classes is a wonderful way to stay engaged and grow in ways that enable you to find communities that perhaps you do not have in your own current community. It enriches me and helps me to take paths that I had not been living before. I have been involved in many trainings, classes, webinars, workshops both in person and online for decades. One thing often leads to another. The range of things I have taken have gone from a few hour workshop, to days long classes, multi-month trainings and finally full multiple year trainings. Being a life long learner is very important to me.

Reading books of course is a part of this self-development. However, a developed class allows for much more exploration. Opportunities for community and friendship are always present. The amount of time you put into your classes or learnings is in my experience - how much you will develop and learn related to the class. I have done both things. I have taken classes and let them wash over me without a great amount of work put into them. Other trainings I have put in daily concentrated work and effort and I grow so much more if I do this. I get out of the class - what I put into it. The responsibility is on me. The teacher has done their part in the offering. Now it’s my time to decide how this will manifest in my life. I am always more pleased with myself if I do the good work.

In this current class - as in most classes, I tend to use a tarot deck to travel along with me as guidance, inspiration and personal development. Daily draws bring a unique focus to the lesson or theme for that day. How is the card showing me to work with this days teachings? It broadens what the teacher offers and brings some personal insight as to how the teaching can work in my particular life. Throughout the day - I may draw a card when a question comes up - for clarification. It is an inspiring and visual way to keep my thinking living in an imaginal and magical way. I love the artful way of looking at things through the tarot as a helpful tool.

The tarot is also very useful in setting up a small altar for my learning. There can be a larger arching tableau for any learning opportunity you are so fortunate to be in. I always count my blessings when I am enabled to take a class. Tarot used as creating a creative tableau for particular modules, questions, learnings is so helpful. The image might allow you to discover something that was outside of your thinking. I believe living with tarot and working with a variety of decks facilitates movement, discovery and internal dialogue along with imagination in my studies. I am always grateful for insights brought to me through working with the tarot as both a personal and a business tool.

Full Moon

What do you see here that might speak to you in your own life today? Look at the reading with a curious and open mind. The reading has meaning for me. The relevance you might find is in you own thinking. I hope that you find some measure of inspiration and seeking. May good things find you.

Full Moon in Pisces

The day dawns with soft rain cleaning up what is left behind,
Boots, wood, mistakes wash down the back river way.
Looking through mist, I can just make out the person that I have been
Maybe will be, after this is all over or the animal bones have found a place to rest.
Sudden insight comes steadily, the voices, the places and the scent worn from years of wondering.
I see you on the side of a bridge, eyes squint in the sunlight just before you fall backwards toward the water.
There is another sound. I hear all of the people crowded on the grass as music drifts over our heads
Smiles that smell like beer and wanting
Beat, beat, beat like the beater bar on the looms that sailed under my feet as I learned a way to create through wool, plants and markets filled with vegetables in baskets.
Roses show up in brown paper, you know where they came from
Penciled notes etched on the inside telling you how to navigate the world of hearts.
Stephan Grapelli’s violin couldn’t even keep me awake after a day of picking apples in an orchard heavy with the noise of bees. You smiled, knowing that flowers don’t always make a difference.
It’s the moments when you’re on the back roads at 2 a.m. , a van filled with musicians is pushing your car down the road, pop clutching it all the way laughing. Blue overalls baggy and tied up with a piece of string in the middle of your back.
It is the days, the nights that come randomly flooding back as I walk the compost bucket out to the back pile in the woods. Maybe a bear will hear me smile. Maybe a bear will make me stop or want to run. Slowly back away, “Hey, Bear…”.

Lindenwriting, full moon, pisces