Posts tagged witchs sister
The Witch's Sister

Witch’s Sister Rides on Her Black Bat by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite (1888 - 1960)

Anya and Luna's wish came true. Their friendship became even more magical than ever before. They shared many adventures together, flying through the night sky and exploring the enchanted forest.

One night, while they were flying over the forest, they saw a group of poachers setting traps for animals. Anya and Luna knew that they had to do something to stop them.

Anya flew down and used her magic to create a thick fog that surrounded the poachers. The poachers were so confused and disoriented that they couldn't see where they were going. They tripped over their own feet and fell into the traps that they had set.

Anya and Luna then flew to the animal cages and opened the doors. The animals were so grateful to be free. They thanked Anya and Luna and then ran off into the forest.

The poachers were furious when they realized what had happened. They chased after Anya and Luna, but the two friends were too fast for them. They flew away into the night, laughing.

Anya and Luna continued to have many adventures together. They helped other creatures in need and protected the magic of the forest. They were known as the "Guardians of the Moonlit Glade," and they were loved and respected by all.

Arthur Wilde Parsons

One day, Anya received a message from a wise old witch named Willow. Willow told Anya that she had a special task for her. She asked Anya to travel to the faraway land of Elyria and help the elves who lived there.

Anya knew that she had to go. She said goodbye to Luna and promised to return soon. Then, she set off on her journey.

Anya's journey was long and difficult, but she was determined to succeed. She faced many challenges along the way, but she always persevered.

When she finally arrived in Elyria, Anya was greeted by the elven queen. The queen told Anya that the elves were in great danger. A dark wizard had cast a spell over the land, and the elves were slowly losing their magic.

Anya knew that she had to help the elves. She used her own magic to break the dark wizard's spell. Then, she taught the elves how to defend themselves against the dark wizard and his forces.

The elves were grateful to Anya for saving them. They crowned her the "Hero of Elyria," and they threw a grand feast in her honor.

Anya stayed in Elyria for a while, helping the elves rebuild their land and their magic. But she missed Luna dearly, so she eventually decided to return home.

When Anya arrived back in the forest, she was overjoyed to see Luna again. They hugged each other tightly and promised never to be apart again.

Jessie Wilcox Smith - 1916

Here are some nature journal prompts based on the story of Anya and Luna:

  • What does it mean to be a guardian? Think about the different ways that Anya and Luna are guardians of the Moonlit Glade. How can you be a guardian of the natural world around you?

  • What are the different ways that magic can manifest in nature? Think about the different magical elements in the story, such as the talking animals and the enchanted forest. What are some examples of magic that you have seen in nature?

  • How can we work together to protect the natural world? Think about the different ways that Anya and Luna work together to protect the Moonlit Glade. How can we work together to protect the natural world around us?

  • What does it mean to be a true friend? Think about the friendship between Anya and Luna. How are they supportive of each other? How can you be a true friend to others?

Here are some more specific prompts based on the different elements of the story:

  • The Moonlit Glade: What is a special place in nature that is meaningful to you? Describe it in detail and explain why it is special to you.

  • The poachers: What are some ways that humans harm the natural world? What are some things that we can do to reduce our impact on the environment?

  • The elves of Elyria: What are some mythical creatures or beings that you believe in? Why do you believe in them?

  • The dark wizard: What are some forces of darkness or evil that you see in the world today? How can we resist these forces and protect the good?

I hope these prompts inspire you to connect with nature and explore the magic of the world around you!

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