Home Diary

Home Diary

Home Diary on a Monday. The beginning of a work week for some people. Others have a life where they are retired, going to school, are unemployed, healthfully challenged, live without a home, or live an unencumbered life for many reasons. So, I think saying it’s the beginning of a work week does not exactly encompass all the peoples. It is difficult to talk about things in a general way for me as nuance exists in the corners. We each carry our life view and over lay it with its own captions onto the wider world culture. All of that being acknowledged - I would like to try talk about Home on Mondays.

Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.
— Oscar Wilde

Home is a word of comfort to me. I have a moon in Cancer after all. The place of home, family, relationship lives in the fourth house astrologically. It is important to me to make a nourishing nest. Home is wherever we are. We are home with this Land that we are a part of. Land is us. We are of the Land and not standing on the Land. Home is a place that is a deep and integral part of each of us. It is interesting to look at this word - homeland. Really, it is where and who we are. I don’t think it is something that we find.

home shelf

Homemaking - the art of keeping home. Everyone, no matter who they are, lives in a home place. It might not be the ideal home that we wish to have landed in. It is possible to find small and grand ways to make our home space. As I mentioned yesterday - a nature altar offers to us a meaningful and free way to create a special corner to inspire us. An apple sitting on the table is an altar to the Land - each of us. The apple sits there looking lovely as we walk by. Each pass by the apple altar requires of us a simple unconscious shift to take in its beauty. These living neurons awaken in us a creative moment of awareness.

How do we make the space in the places we call home? What is comfortable to us? How are we making home or place toward our own living ideas? Contentment requires a settling - in some ways on this topic. So many images of beautiful homes inspire us or in a moment - disappoints us because we cannot have what the image represents to us. The busy life of pursuit and want and longing - requires us to veer off the path of home keeping. What is here in front of us? How can simplicity bring us beauty and simple comforts? I am not speaking about minimalism and a particular aesthetic. It is the inner compass of what we desire made manifest in the tiny ways we arrange and navigate within our home places. Where is the direction that I want to be living in - imprinting on my home place.


Home is the nicest word there is
— Laura Ingalls Wilder

spirit of home

The Spirit of Home oracle card from The Divine Muses Oracle by Maree Bento about home and family life. Your home is a sanctuary from the world where comfort and stability can be found. It’s a joyous and harmonious place to share with family, friends and pets. Where you may celebrate special occasions and give gratitude to your community. The Spirit of Home oracle is a positive card that shows abundance and happiness. Your home is a reflection of who you are. It has consciousness and it breathes because of you.

“I’ve learned that home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling.”
— Cecelia Ahearn

The well known song by Edward Sharp & The Magnetic Zeros - Home is a moving song about Home being Wherever I Am With You. Home is who you are with. Home is a contentment we might feel inside. If we are on the street or in a prison - Home might be the scratched together pieces that are found holding us together. It is good to think about this Land - that is a part of us and we are a part of it. It is a deep process to explore our first home maybe being our own mothers - the good and the bad of it. Explore this with someone that can hold the tender places it might bring up in you.

Home holds over us in the the sky as we live out our lives in places with traces. Remembering the importance in crafting a home place - bringing along our senses and feelings of what the truth of all of it is for ourselves. Home is for all of us. As we walk along the byways in our lives - we are walking with each of us together. It is a community of Home. I breathe in as you breathe out. We are the Land breathing together. As we formation a life of Home - we carry all that we are inside the suitcase of meaning as our individual selves. The sky view might be - what is enough - what is meaningful - what is needed - in making a Home place.

Sycamore Gap Tree at Hadrian’s Wall