Posts tagged artistic exercise
Artistic Exercise Ways - Biography & Social Art

Wooden Figures - Tarot for Kids by Theresa Reed & Kailey Whitman

Creating scenes with your tarot cards is a fun creative exercise. These Ostheimer wooden family figures hold meaning for me. The Tarot For Kids tarot deck by Theresa Reed and Kailey Whitman is the deck that you see here. You can find objects that hold resonance for you and use that in a way that works and is meaningful to you. Next, pick a tarot deck if you have one that is in the mood you are carrying today.

I often use the book Journaling the Tarot: Evolutions by Andy Matzner. This book holds many wonderful journaling questions for you to work with. This book offers prompts based upon each card in the tarot spiral. It is okay to be intentional with your questions in the book as well as picking something to work with that just is a random find in your browsing through the catalogue of ideas/prompts/questions/ponderings. I recommend getting this book for use in exploring your own personal biography.

One example is to work with The Fool card in the deck. Of course each deck is different in what it offers. Imagery is important here. If you are doing internal explorations - working with a deck that is gentle might work the best at some moments. If you are going deeper in with some harder places in your own interior - you may choose a more challenging deck. It is up to you to find a safe way to work with the tarot that is a support rather than a hard place to deal with. You might even ask a friend - support person - therapist - group - to allow you to explore some of these questions with you.

From the Journaling the Tarot: Evolutions book - some questions to work with under the Fool is the following.
1. If your soul could speak to you, what would it want you to know? Where would it want you to go? What would it want you to do? What would it want you to have? What would it want you to be?

The gentle image of this particular Fool is very nice to work with around childhood memories. It also offers a soft and welcoming and somewhat playful image for creativity and adult explorations around new beginnings. If you work with these question as outlined above - you may find some unexpected gems in going over where you are in this moment.

This is also a useful set of questions regarding a new business exploration and what you might be feeling about this realm in your life. Any time that you are embarking upon a new adventure - this set of questions offers a window in to what might be important to you. A journal is your friend in exploring of course! If you keep a journal over time in working with the tarot as well as these profound exploratory questions - you will discover amazing things about yourself. Keep going.

After you have drawn a card to work with you might set up a creative display for the day or for a week - whatever time you need to sit with and ponder these questions. I will be offering up questions from this comprehensive book over time for you to work with. Of course please purchase the book to support Andy Matzner’s work if you would like to dive deeper in on your own timeframe.

Coming to your little altar of exploration will spark new thoughts and ideas in you each day. Record all of this in your journal. A living tableau to work with life questions makes the important work of self-discovery all that much more rich and enlivening. Discovery about the maps and charts of our Biography is a treasure waiting for you. Please reach out and share any insights you have found.

If you look deeply enough into something - You will see everything.
— anonymous
Artistic Exercise

In Biography work there are many artistic exercises we can do with clients - as Biography Workers. Artistic work allows us to open our inner imaginal realm to help us to access the internal places that we are not typically in touch with in our every day life. Biography work is a way to work with one another in a listening and present way. Ideally - one can work with someone in sharing this exercise and impressions sensed after it is complete. However - it is safe to use this exercise alone in a safe way. Do not go into areas you do not feel comfortable with or are equipped to take on when you are alone. Use this as a way to gain inner knowing about yourself. It is up to you to know what you are capable of handling.

*Please only proceed with working with this image if you feel safe and comfortable and ready to examine some of the quiet corners in your imagination. Read through the exercise before beginning so that you are aware of what the framework is. If you are struggling in any way - know your support persons to contact if you find that you have come across uncomfortable territory.

Artistic Exercise: Gaze at the image of this painting - Ginevra de' Benci , c. 1474/1478 - by Leonardo da Vinci. Take a few minutes and take in what you are seeing. Have a pen and paper at hand. Do not write down your impressions straight away. Continue looking for up to 5 minutes. Of course if you would like to take more time, please do so. The exercise if just for you alone.

When you feel ready - begin to write down your visual impressions. What are you seeing here? Describe the painting - clothing, her facial countenance, the scenery, the colors, the senses that awaken in you. After you have looked in detail at the image and written down all that you feel that you see - next we move on to impressions. What are the sense impressions you have of this image? Write down what your senses are seeing and feeling. Does it remind you of something from long ago in your life or perhaps in your current life? Is this something you want to explore in your writing? Only go as far as you are comfortable. Stop anytime that you need to.

Exploring an image in this way - an awakening to parts of our lives can be discovered. This can be a deeply meaningful experience. Often times - suddenly a memory - an image - an experience is recalled. We don’t know where this has come from. Follow the threads of your writing and thinking for up to ten minutes. Of course take more time if you would like. Do not be too careful with your writing. Write what comes to mind without editing it. After you are complete with your writing - put the pen down and look away from your writing. You might look at the image again.

Feelings may arise. You can notice these and let them wash away. This exercise is to awaken to yourself a bit more. Allow yourself to begin to explore in a free and simple way - just noticing. In this way it is somewhat like a meditation. It can be a rich feeling to enter into this exercise - in full control of your senses and body - and have a deep inner sensing and knowing come to you. What have you discovered? Read back over your words. Look at the image again. Express any residual feelings with your writing or speak them out loud to the room.

This tool is a helpful process to begin to examine our own inner lives. Keeping a journal allows you to examine your thoughts and words over time. If you are working with a kind helper - you many want to share some of these insights with them. Know that you can be in control of your own exploration. Tend and Listen to Yourself.

“Now I become myself. It’s taken time, many years and places.”
— May Sarton
Artistic Exercise

Today the Moon is in Virgo. Wednesday is named for the god Woden, who is paralleled with the Roman god Mercury - both gods shared attributes of eloquence, the ability to travel, and the guardianship of the dead. The gods Woden (also known as Odin) and Mercury have been associated since Scandinavian and Roman cultures crossed paths. Under Woden’s supervision, the earth and sky were created from the dead body of a giant named Ymir. Woden also created the first man and woman from an ash tree and an alder. Woden also established the laws of the universe. Mercury was the messenger of the gods, alson with being the patron of science, the arts, travelers, and athletes.

Of course words, story, myth and meaning have a wide ranging deep well to draw from for our own lifeways. Creating our life as its own story or myth, is a magical way to live. It is not escapism but, a very intentioned way to live. We can work with a story for a period of time - to see what bubbles up from its essence. One way of working with story and biography is too look at images. When we take in an image in a dream like gaze - its own journey may begin to unfold.

Artistic Exercise: Browse through the images here today. Slowly look through the photographs and find one that your eye is particularly drawn into. You can begin by just gazing at the image. Perhaps save the image and print it out to look at a later time. Write down some quick impressions. What awakens in you. Write about a time in your life that this image reminds you of. It can begin as an exact moment - later switching to a bit more abstract.

Does the time in your life that you are recalling relate to the image in a particular way? Look more closely at both the image and what is coming up in your minds eye. Write this down. Perhaps a story begins to form. This is an activity to help you wander through your own storied life. Attempt to write in a continuous fashion without editing as you go. What is showing up? How does this resonate with your life today? Are you feeling good - are you feeling badly? Bring to the page what is speaking to you the most in this moment. The importance of looking at this later on can reveal hidden layers of beauty and surprise for you. I hope that this finds helpfulness for you. You also might explore an image with a particular idea in mind. Sort of like an oracle today. What does your business need more of from you currently? At the upcoming family gathering - how might this image give you some new ideas to approach a challenging family member?

* Remember as always - take good care of yourself with these Biography Exercises. Keep going as long as feels comfortable. Try to take a break and come back to the image and exercise later on if you are feeling discomfort - that you feel unable to handle. Ask for support if you need it. Please do not attempt to work with emotional feelings that feel too overwhelming for you to handle alone. Find a trusted support person.

*I think that we are resilient beings. All people deserve the right to self exploration and creative expression. Trust in yourself. The resources for this are not always present. These exercises I offer here are for you to work with on your own - in the privacy of your own space. See what comes from them. Part of developing resiliency in a time when resources are often lacking is finding ways to self-develop in strength. Of course mental health support is often needed and required. However, as human beings - for millenia humans offered care to one another. A time may come in the future when - we have developed ourselves enough - to hold one another in caring support. I trust that you will do what is needed for you in this time.

“Story, as it turns out, was crucial to our evolution — more so than opposable thumbs. Opposable thumbs let us hang on; story told us what to hang on to.”
— Lisa Cron

The fire will hold you. It is an elemental part of who we are. We work with our story of our own life - our biography. As we find embers to work with - the bits of our life story that need tending - it is a gift of warmth of what often appears to us. May the home fires create a warm place for you to gather your thoughts.