Posts tagged explore
Artistic Exercise

Today the Moon is in Virgo. Wednesday is named for the god Woden, who is paralleled with the Roman god Mercury - both gods shared attributes of eloquence, the ability to travel, and the guardianship of the dead. The gods Woden (also known as Odin) and Mercury have been associated since Scandinavian and Roman cultures crossed paths. Under Woden’s supervision, the earth and sky were created from the dead body of a giant named Ymir. Woden also created the first man and woman from an ash tree and an alder. Woden also established the laws of the universe. Mercury was the messenger of the gods, alson with being the patron of science, the arts, travelers, and athletes.

Of course words, story, myth and meaning have a wide ranging deep well to draw from for our own lifeways. Creating our life as its own story or myth, is a magical way to live. It is not escapism but, a very intentioned way to live. We can work with a story for a period of time - to see what bubbles up from its essence. One way of working with story and biography is too look at images. When we take in an image in a dream like gaze - its own journey may begin to unfold.

Artistic Exercise: Browse through the images here today. Slowly look through the photographs and find one that your eye is particularly drawn into. You can begin by just gazing at the image. Perhaps save the image and print it out to look at a later time. Write down some quick impressions. What awakens in you. Write about a time in your life that this image reminds you of. It can begin as an exact moment - later switching to a bit more abstract.

Does the time in your life that you are recalling relate to the image in a particular way? Look more closely at both the image and what is coming up in your minds eye. Write this down. Perhaps a story begins to form. This is an activity to help you wander through your own storied life. Attempt to write in a continuous fashion without editing as you go. What is showing up? How does this resonate with your life today? Are you feeling good - are you feeling badly? Bring to the page what is speaking to you the most in this moment. The importance of looking at this later on can reveal hidden layers of beauty and surprise for you. I hope that this finds helpfulness for you. You also might explore an image with a particular idea in mind. Sort of like an oracle today. What does your business need more of from you currently? At the upcoming family gathering - how might this image give you some new ideas to approach a challenging family member?

* Remember as always - take good care of yourself with these Biography Exercises. Keep going as long as feels comfortable. Try to take a break and come back to the image and exercise later on if you are feeling discomfort - that you feel unable to handle. Ask for support if you need it. Please do not attempt to work with emotional feelings that feel too overwhelming for you to handle alone. Find a trusted support person.

*I think that we are resilient beings. All people deserve the right to self exploration and creative expression. Trust in yourself. The resources for this are not always present. These exercises I offer here are for you to work with on your own - in the privacy of your own space. See what comes from them. Part of developing resiliency in a time when resources are often lacking is finding ways to self-develop in strength. Of course mental health support is often needed and required. However, as human beings - for millenia humans offered care to one another. A time may come in the future when - we have developed ourselves enough - to hold one another in caring support. I trust that you will do what is needed for you in this time.

“Story, as it turns out, was crucial to our evolution — more so than opposable thumbs. Opposable thumbs let us hang on; story told us what to hang on to.”
— Lisa Cron

The fire will hold you. It is an elemental part of who we are. We work with our story of our own life - our biography. As we find embers to work with - the bits of our life story that need tending - it is a gift of warmth of what often appears to us. May the home fires create a warm place for you to gather your thoughts.